Homework Submission#

If your turn-in file names are different from what we specify here, your turn-in will not be graded.


  1. Linked List – The filename has to be linked_list.c, and it should contain the linked list code in Questions.

  2. Array Sum – The filename has to be array_sum.c, and it should contain the array_sum code in Questions.

Please upload a YOUR_PENN_USERNAME.tgz that contains linked_list.c and array_sum.c to the diagnostic assessment assignment in canvas. If your Penn ID is ept, then it should be ept.tgz. For those who do are in the waitlist, please send YOUR_PENN_USERNAME.tgz to iamanvi@seas.upenn.edu or runlong@seas.upenn.edu with the email titled with “ESE5320 Diagnostic”. TAs will send the reply once the email is received.

Testing code#

We recommend testing code on eniac.seas.upenn.edu as we will test your code on that machine so if it works on your local machine and not on eniac.seas.upenn.edu, it will be considered incorrect. Also getline() function might not work on every machine but will work on eniac machine as eniac has the function as part of it’s standard libraries.

You can refer to this link for learning about accessing and using eniac using VNC.